Wall Plates for Installing Adapters

This article discusses how wall plates can be used to install adapters and cables.

Types of HDMI Adapters and Cables

If you purchase a TV set or any other device such as a digibox or a Blu-ray player nowadays, chances are that the manufacturer will not provide you with appropriate cables. In order to enjoy the visual clarity on your devices, you will have to buy HDMI adapters or cables. However, with the wide variety available in the market, shopping for adapters and cables can be hard for many people.

HDMI cables are available at different prices and in varying qualities. Plus, you will have a hard time perusing different types of cables such as:

Different Uses of Cables and Adapters

If you want to connect two HD-ready devices, you will require HDMI cables. M to M cables are to be used when you want to link two HDMI devices. These cables are the most commonly used, especially in cases where you have to link a gaming console to your HDTV.

Such cables are available in variety of qualities and lengths, and you have to choose the right features, otherwise you will face disruptions while watching movies or playing video games. Many times connectors like M to M experience weak signal strength, which heavily affects the picture quality. And you should at least match the HDMI-to-HDMI cable to your device’s resolution.

The revolution of a typical television set ranges from 480-1080p/i. Hence, the cable should also be at par with the resolution of your TV. For resolutions greater than 1080p, you can use Ethernet connection cables which also enable internet connectivity.

A word of advice here: Try to purchase cables that can carry a higher resolution than your device. The reason is that technology advances at the speed of light, and before long you may find yourself going for an upgrade. In this case, high-speed cables and gold wire fittings can be used as they offer a higher picture quality. Purchase these cables with an ideal length so that there is no loss of signals.

Along with cables, you will require an HDMI adapter if the devices does not have an HDMI M port. Some devices instead have DVI connectors, which appear larger than HDMI ports. In this case, you will require a DVI or HDMI adapter. Cmple offers great DVI and HDMI adapters.

Using HDMI Wall Plates for a Clean Appearance

HDMI wall plates have now become a popular choice for both residential and commercial audio/video systems. This plate simply allows for better management of your HDMI cables that might otherwise be scattered on the floor.

A typical HDMI wall plate is decorative in nature and has a female-to-female HDMI module include in it. This helps you to connect the longer cables onto the plate and then you can install the shorter ones externally from the panel to your device.

HDMI cables are often damaged. This is largely because they are constantly moved around by the device users, who often pull the cables as well. These cables are both costly and they require a lot of time to put in place.

That is why it is a good idea to use wall plates to protect the cables; otherwise they will remain exposed and vulnerable to constant wear and tear. Moreover, using wall plates will provide a constant HDMI outlet where you can easily plug your devices in and out.

Your device installation space will appear cleaner and you will be able to manage the length of the cables with the help of HDMI wall plates.

Variety of Wall Plates

You should remember that HDMI plates come in a wide variety and you have other options than your HDMI cable. Wall plates also include F connectors, multiple HDMI modules, and RCA connectors. In fact you can easily get wall plates for most of your installation needs. The plus point is that usually these wall plates are affordable.

Installing Wall Plates

Installing wall plates is the best method for hiding your wires from view after you purchase new devices. You can use different types of wall plates like recessed, recessed with power outlet, and outward.

To begin with, you need to make an opening in the wall that fits the size of the wall plates accurately. Make use of the best measuring and cutting tools and take your time in this process. If the hole is cut inaccurately, the whole purpose of installing plates will be destroyed.

To serve as a base for the wall plates, place a metal carrier in the opening of the wall. Do this is a secure manner to avoid any future inconvenience. After this, channel all the cables through this carrier into their locations.

Use screws that fit the carrier to secure it in the opening and tighten them. Finally, you can install your plate. Please note that although the installation can be done personally, you can always hire an electrician in case you think the task is beyond your capabilities.

The Benefits of Using Wall Plates

To begin with, wires scattered across the floor gives an unprofessional look to your workspace and will have a negative influence on the clients. Moreover, protruding wires can even cause accidents in the office.

At home, these cables pose a potential risk to your children who may trip over and hurt themselves while playing. Even your pets can chew the cables! That is why wall plates are necessary as they channelize the connections in a neat manner.

These plates are made from some of the best materials like PVC, both brushed finished stainless and tough. In addition, the wide spectrum of plates available in market allows you to find the best one for your cables. Finally, custom wall plates can work together with many connections such as HDMI, TOSlink, F-Type, and USB A.

You can find the best HDMI wall plates at cmple

Further Information:

