Choosing the right TV Wall Mount

New models of flat screen TVs such as LCD, plasma, and LED TVs can be mounted on the wall to save space. However, a fixed wall mounted TV cannot sometimes provide the best viewing pleasure, especially if the TV is mounted above eye level. In such cases, you need to mount the TV on a tilting mount.

Size and Weight Considerations

When it comes to finding the right TV wall mounts for tilting, you need to look for the mounts appropriate for the size and weight of the TV. Heavy duty tilting wall mounts for TVs come in various sizes and can support various weights. All of them have VESA complaint universal hole pattern ensuring that TVs within the specified size and weight range can be mounted on them. Just as you should not mount a larger than specified TV, you should also avoid mounting a smaller than specified TV on the mount.

Tilting Angle

Most tilting wall mounts for TV can tilt the TV screen from zero to 10 degree angles, enabling you to adjust the TV screen for maximum viewing pleasure.

Slim Line and Heavy Duty Mounts

There are two different types of TV mounts that can be found for tilting. These are the slimline tilting wall mounts that are sleek and provide plenty of ventilation for the TV. The slimline or low profile wall mount can be tilted to 14° offering greater flexibility when using the TV. The heavy duty wall mounts are sturdier and hold the TV firmly when mounted.

Space between Wall and TV

After mounting the TV on the wall mount, there should be some space – an inch or more – between the wall and the TV. This is needed to ensure that cables and plugs can be passed behind the TV, especially if the cable inlets are not directly behind the TV.

Bubble Level

When selecting a tilting wall mount for your TV you need to ensure that it comes with a built in bubble level. This will make it easier to mount the TV as ensuring that the TV is level because much easier.


Any tilting wall mount you purchase should come with all the necessary hardware to mount it on wall studs, concrete, or brick walls.

Color Choice

Most tilting wall mounts come in either black or white. The choice of color depends on your décor scheme and the color of your walls.

Large wall mounted flat screen TVs provide outstanding viewing pleasure and occupy less space in homes. However, when trying to find a place for their new LED, plasma, or LCD TVs many home owners find that the space available is slightly higher than optimal eye level. This issue can be solved by mounting the TV on a tilting wall mount so that one can view the TV screen comfortably from existing seating arrangements. Since you can adjust the angle of the tilt such mounts are ideal for bedrooms where people have the option of viewing the TV from a chair or bed.